The average number of people who reside in the world can be counted up to seven billion. Statistics show that 250 babies are born every minute, when one hundred and 50 thousand die daily. With this information we can conclude that world that the world population is increasing by 150 humans per minute. All human beings have thoughts, worries and dreams about the most marvelous and complex miracle- the Human Body. A comportment and lasting feature of the this body is self curiosity. We continually look for answers in enormous and ever-increasing detail, to understand the action wthin. Medical technologies help us visualise and grasp this remarkable and extraordinady machine.
Imaging is vital to diagnose illness, unravel disease process, and evaluate treatment. Modern techniques have largely replaced surgery in estblishing the presence and extent of the disease. Microscopy has also helped advance biological reachearch. For example, computerized tomography (CT or CAT scan) of the lungs show the capirallies, aveolies, brochie and the bronchioles in detail. The spongy tissues and airways of a health lungs are shows in orange and yellow colors and are very distinct from their denser surroundings. Moreover, the heart and the major blood vessels between the lungs are blue and the vertebrae, ribs and sternum are in dark blue. Other equipments such as the bronchoscope produce an image of the trachea and shows the cartilage rings that keep it from collapsing.
The first physiciancs to record their patients healing process to enhance patient care were Hoppocrate (460-377BC) and Glen (131-201AD). Medical practises were based on patients description of the symtopms to identify diseases, until the 19th centuary. During the end of the 18th centuary physicians started studying on the dead bodies and using manual techniques to diagonise illness. One of the first medical technologies invented was a device for measuring the capacity of the lungs by Hutchison. Later came the Sphygnomanometer which measures blood pressure, was invented by Herrisson. By the half of the 20th centuary, medicine was revolutonnized with the extensive care of medical technologies like the thermometer, stethoscope, microscope, ophthalmoscope, laryngoscope and the x-rays. The development of these technologies enabled the doctors to see and hear parts within the body such as the lungs and the heart.These inventions helped us understand more about ourselves and what your body does within you to maintain you health and living. Technology also makes it easier to know when your body is weak and needs assistence.
Canada is a great contributor to the medical world. Some of the world's most proficient inventions and discoveries were made by Canadians. Medical doctors came to Canada along with other French settlers. David parker, who worked in Halifax during the 18th centuary, was the first to operate with anestheia. Making way to Christopher Widmer, who was known as the "Father of surgery" in lower Canada. During the same time W.R Beaumont became a profilic inventor of surgical instruments. Both Christopher Widmer and W.R Beaumont lives during the 19th century. The 20th centuary gifted Canada with some of world best scientists. Two of Canada's major contribution to the medical world was arose during this centuary. The two contributions are:
The improvement of anesthesia by W.E brown in 1923 and Dr. Harold Griffith in 1942. W.E brown established the value of ethylene as an anesthetic. Dr. Harold Griffith advanced the science of anesthesia by using the curare plant.
The next is the discovery of the fact that recovery rates of patients wound could be drastically improved if the wounds were disinfected.
One of the world's major discoveries was the discovery of insulin. This was discovered and clinically applied by three Candaians, Frederick Banting and Chales Best and J.J.R Macleod in 1922. This discovery not only helped us learn about a new hormone that effects the metabolim in the body, but also helped develop vacines and medicine for dibete patient, whose bodies fail to control insulin levels.
These contribution to the medical world were the stepping stone to many of the advanced technologies that we are able to assess today to further understand our body. Today we are able to learn in detail about our organs such as the digestive, circulatory and repiratory systems because of these technologies. Doctors today are able to visually see the problem and learn about the conditions of the patient with more details that enable for more successful operations and the inventon and discoveries of new medecines for cure of illness.
All the more, countries around the world are struggling to provide medical effeciency to all of its citizens because they are uable to meet medical costs. The solution to this challenge is held by technology. In a cbc article Dr. Anne Doig, president of the Canadian Medical Association, announced the tranformation to our health care system. In the interview she gave to the new reporters she says, "When you have an EMR in your office you make fewer mistakes. And that you can have better information at your finger tips more quickly... They also need to see how these systems connected to other resources such as labs, pharmacies, hospitals and specialists, so that both you and the patients can better manage the care". New IT machines invented try to connect all the data to make health assistence more efficient. Recently, Manitobia set up a multi-million dollar system that centralizes lab results, medication histories and immunization data. Spain has also shown some significant use of technologies that has improved their results by 10 percent. They set up a common data system across 470 primary care clinics. Moreover, during the intial stages of swine flu, that travelled through air recently, Mexico city developed an analytic system that survey the severity and the spreding of the flu. The same system was also set up in Hamilton, Canada to take precautious steps in order to avoid intensity of the flu.
The following link shows a video of an incredible technology developed a few years ago by NASA called Artemis. This technology that makes a 2 dimension CAT scan and make it 3 dimentional. It helps doctors to performs complicated operations safer than before and also shows the importance of technology in medical world. The video touches on the history of medical technology and shows visuals of old instruments used before the 20th century. I hope this video will be enjoyable ro watch.
Nguyen, Giang. "Evolution of medical technology." Evolution fo medical technology (2009). Web. 24 Feb. 2010. http://http//
ROLAND, CHARLES. Web. 24 Feb. 2010.
Steve., Parker,. The Human Body Book. New York: DK ADULT, 2007. Print.
Can Technology Solve The Health Care Crisis? - Smart Shift." - Canadian News Sports Entertainment Kids Docs Radio TV. Web. 26 Feb. 2010.
"YouTube - Advances in Medical Technology." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 26 Feb. 2010.
Lombardi, Rosie. "Pandemic survelence systems connects five hospitas in haamilton." News and trends., Nov. & dec. 2009. Web. 25 Feb. 2010 .
"Insulin -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 26 Feb. 2010.
"Obama: Health Care Costs Too Much, but Technology Can Help - Health Blog - WSJ." WSJ Blogs - WSJ. Web. 26 Feb. 2010.
Hi Vanessa!
ReplyDeleteWOW. Your bioblog had SO much information that was interesting and informative. You definately made very good points on the fact that Canada has made vital contributions to the field of healthcare and diagnosing and treating diseases.
The different scanning devices that are used today are vital in diagnosing diseases. They give doctors and healthcare providers a better chance at finding out what exactly is wrong with their patient and how they can solve the problem, quickly and efficiently.
Thanks for writing such an informative bioblog! You definately kept me interested and helped me learn more about what Canadian's have done for the rest of the world.
- Myra:)
ReplyDeleteYour bio blog was GREAT! It had alot of pictures, facts and information in detail. Your put a great amount of time and effort into it. I learned alot about technology which helps doctors find out problems with there patients and allows them to diagnose their patient. I think that you did a good job by explaining the contribution canada made to the feild of health care. I really enjoyed reading it and veiwing the pictures.
Hey Vanessa,
ReplyDeleteI think you basically covered most of the greatest medical advances in technology. I'm still shocked by your opening introduction when you stated that according to the statistics that 250 babies are born every minute, when one hundred and 50 thousand die daily. With this information we can conclude that world that the world population is increasing by 150 humans per minute. It makes me realize how precious life is. The information that you shared within your blog made me see how much scientists and doctors and doing their best to try and inform us and help us with the best technological advancements. I also like how you also showed the significance of Canada's role within the history of Medicine. After all, us canadians have contributed greatly to our world.
I love the images you used, especially the one with the father, mother and child. It looks so caring! I agree that imaging is a vital tool to diagnose an illness. Canada is indeed a great contributor to the medical world.
ReplyDeleteYour post holds a great amount of important and well researched information. I learned so much from it, such as the improvement of anesthesia. The Artemis is such a great tool and a wonderful addition to the medical technology. When I first found out it was created by NASA, all I thought was “space”. I just couldn’t believe it. Different types of people and occupations can surely contribute to the medical field.