2004 directed the term "designer babies" from sceince fiction movie and weblogs into the Oxford English dictionary where it is defined as "a baby whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected by genetic enginering in combination with vitro fertilization to ensure the presence or absence of particular genes or characteristics.” This coinage was promoted by recent advances in genetics that may make such babies possible. the question that challenges the world today is moral or ethical limits, if any, should apply to the selection of our children’s genes and charecterstics.
The creation of a designer baby starts when the enbryo is made by combining a sperm
cell and an egg cell in vitro fertilization, which is the process by which egg cells are fertilised by sperm outside the womb, in vitro. A single cell is removed from the embryo within the first five days of its creation to be tested genetically. Through these testings the parents will come to know the genetical disorders and any other problems their future child might face. During this stage the sceintist can also decide to make any changes that the parents want to make before the embryo is implanted into the mother's womb.

Genetic screening can reduce the baby's chances of being born with several serious diseases like Down Syndrom, Famia
l hypercholesterolemia, rare blood disorders such as Diamond Blackfan Anaemia, etc. This process also prevents women from having to decide whether to abort an abnormal fetus, and eliminates the sadness and economic difficulties that many families are forced to cope with. In the future, the new technologies may offer parents the possibility to “enhance” their children. As more and more genes are discovered to be associated with specific functions, parents could potentially examine the genetic makeup of their fetuses,and modify them by making changes in their embryonic stem cells. This could enhance a child’s mental and physical abilities, from being taller to having the potential to master music and chess. Most parents simply want their children to be the best. With new genetics, their dreams may finally be fulfilled. The new technology may take out the out the boundaries of different classes whether it is social, econonmic or personal.

This new method of modifiing the genetic charecterticts of a baby is used to screen embryos for any genetic disease and only the disease free embryos are implanted into the mother's womb. However, the technique is not limited to screening for genetic and hereditary disorders, but is also used for cosmetic reasons. Parents can choose the gender, eye, skin and hair color o
f the baby. Various other physical traits such as intelligence, beauty, height, stopping a chancesof accuiring obesity, freedom from mental illnesses, athletic ability, etc. can be also determined. The adoption of genetic engineering for cosmetic reasons; for genetic enhancements has spearheaded a lot of controversies. People have started asking, "Is it ethical to create designer babies with enhanced physical ability and appearance?" Stephen Green, the National Director of Christian Voice said, "The objection to the idea of designer babies is that it divorces procreation from the act of sexual congress, and there's a real sense in which it is playing God." Critics point out that the level of biodiversity in the human race will plummet, which can result in long term disaster.Adolf Hitler was on a quest to create a race of Aryan Blond, blue eyed and tall people. Creating designer babies is believed to be on the same affect on the world. The arrival of designer babies will effect biodiversity. Moreover, traits decided by parents, eliminates the say of the child in his or her life. Parents passionate about sports would have the athletic ability engineered into the child, however, the child may not want the same. This reduces the child's freedom to choose and be an individual.

The development of genetic engineering is a big step towards the imporvment of the technological world. Using his kind of technology to help children who will not survive due to genetical disorders will put smiles on millions of parent around the world. Many lives can be saved because of this technology.On the other hand, if this technology is misused for cosmetic means, it could challenge the biodiversity. It could also chanllenge the faith of many people in God. I think, the option for have a designer baby should only be open or provided to parents who know that the life of their child will encounter problems that will make life hard for their them. For example, parents who know that their child will have a genetic disorder such as Huntington's chorea, Cystic Fibrosis or Muscular Dystrophy. I hope that the development of this technology will wisely improve life by eliminating deaths of many young children.
